Raising funds to finish post production as fast as we can. Lots of great donation gratuities from signed posters, to Red Carpet pictures with the cast, to executive producer credits!
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We Could not have done it without the following people
CREW - Director, Candace Schmidt Gonzalez / DOP, Lead camera, Jose Luis Gonzalez / Camera 2, Derek Wilder / boom operator/sound engineer, Paul Do Troit Schreve and Noelle Fuchs / sound and video editor, Geordie Day / Assistant editor, Stephanie Wilson / Key grip, Rejean Beaudoin / Gaffer, Bryce Chinook / Behind the scenes photography, Bryce Chinook / Executive producers - Mardell Beaudoin, Paul Chinook, Dan McDougall, Doug Wilson / Producer, Paul J. Chinook / Writer, Paul J. Chinook / Assistant writer, Doug Wilson / Associate producer Jill Maria Robinson / Assistant producer, Quinn Teechma
GoFundMe DONORS - Merli Rafaela Rojas, Bryce Chinook, Murray Maynard, Carol Duncan, Chuck Parker, CJ Studer, Terry Debono, Frederick Gillis, Beverly Wilson, Patricia McBride, Heather Veres, Paul Fulton, Sean Chaytors, Shawn Bohannan, James Strand, Dorothy Soltys, Blaire Loney, Dan McDougall, Richard Mulholland, Jesse Sinclair, Brian McCarthy, Luciano Oliverio, Helena Dwyer, Richard McDougall, Jennifer McDougall, Donald McDougall, Stephanie Wilson, Bradley Moore, Daisy Grant, Michael Goehr, Geordie Cheeseman
ACTORS - Paul J. Chinook, Quinn Teechma, Kevin Davey, Doug Wilson, Will Webster, Dan McDougall, Sarah Wheeldon, Jill Maria Robinson, Sheridan Peirens, Felipe Paredes Canevari, Wes Lewis, Scott Dumas, Stephanie Wilson, Amanda Levert, Marianne Hutchings, Brad Nordstrom, Scott Hayes, Katherine Wilson, Lyndsay Butler, Aaron Lybbert, Bryce Chinook, Emily Laing, Joey Pringle, Jorden Gooden, Rose Dallyn, Goeff Dallyn, Darrell Dvorak, Donna Godlonton, Michael Cherewko, Ross Peters, Kayle Belcher, Robert Clendenning, Garry Houchen, Zac Clements, Denis Levert, Chantal Levert, Yvonee Spence, Christy Hayes, Amber Nason, June Diment, Sam Staves, Dolores Barnes, Marvin Garriott, Mark Muller, Rachel Muller, Mardell Baeudion, Douglas Kennedy, Davina Comstock, Jay Cooper, Erin Davey, Lindsay Fenton, Rachel Herbert, John Holdenberg, Marion Holmes, Chelsea Keeley, Ginny Pare, Pierre Pare, Rejean Baeudoin, Hayden Wilson, Journey Gonzalez, Tao the Cat, Sasha the big white dog.
SPECIAL THANKS TO - Rod Chinook @ Apex Equipment, Candace Potter @ Wildrose Brewery, Darren Cunningham @ Urban Timber, Jade Noble, Sean Kelso, Candice Goudie and Gordon Norrie @ Calgary Flames sports Entertainment, Scott and Christy Hayes, Rose and Geoff Dallyn @ Powderhorn Saloon, Mark Muller @ Country Food Mart, Marv Garriott @ Marv’s Classic Diner, Irene Milton @ Gladys Ridge United Church, Teresa Copithorne @ CL Ranch, June Diment @ Mayfair Diagnostic, Patrick McIntyre @ Ironwood Stage and Grill, Dolores Barnes, Doug and Katherine Wilson, Mardell and Rejean Beaudoin,